Sunday, May 30, 2010


Disaster this weekend as I din't get to play a single hand. Friday was a decent enough day with me playing 2.3k hands but was hungover on Saturday morning and then went to Cork in the afternoon. I got back up about 8ish this evening and had to do a few things to was around 9ish when I got on the PC. I opened up my buddy list and scanned the tables but the games seemed pretty poor. Combined with the fact that I was tired and didn't really feel like playing I just said I will let it go tonight.

In spots like this I normally just play anyway but I think I made a good decision and watched Sopranos instead. I know if I had of played for an hour and lost 1k or so I would just have been thinking "Why the hell did I bother playing?", last thing I want is it to cost me $1k just to make an extra 1% or 2% of the challenge done. Instead I will feel more refreshed tomorrow after haivng a 2 day break.

So now I have 26% of the time gone and 40% to get through which is approximately 40k hands in 13 days or 3k hands per day. This is going to be almost impossible at this stage to get finished on time as next weekend I have to go to Donegal and will find it pretty tough to get many hands in while I am up there. Going to be really tough going over the next 2 weeks!!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

52% now and internet problems

52% of the way there now with 58% of the time gone. Wasn't a very productive weekend for getting hands in mainly because I was too hungover on Saturday to do anything never mind play poker. Sunday I did manage to play some in between the sun and had my most profitable day ever in cash games. Banking very close to $4k, unfortunately on Friday I had one of my worst losing days losing close to $3k so a small gain!!

Since Friday my Internet hasn't being working. Done all the usual stuff with resetting the modem and unplugging it but wouldn't come back. I have a mobile broadband modem so I used this as a backup but it was pretty frustrating as it was not very reliable which meant a few disconnects. Luckily for me none were too costly. But this evening I was trying to get connected and even though it would connect nothing was happening. With UPC scheduled to come in the morning I gave the modem one last effort. After all I am a telecoms engineer this should be a piece of piss for me. So one last go at dis con and reconnecting all the cables and coax and then giving the modem a hardware reset after about 5minutes it came back online. So good to have the reliable 30MB back compared to the unreliable mobile broadband.

So hopefully that will allow me to get some hands in tonight. Not to many though as I have the LOST finale to watch. Was tempted to watch it this morning "as live" but was far too tired at 5.30am to get up. So back on the grind again!!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

39% but a frustrating day today

Played the most amount of hands ever in a day today, played 3 sessions in total today with 4.5k hands in total. The morning session was very good with me winning $1.2k and then the second session was also good winning $300 but then lost it all back and much more in the evening session which ended up leaving me down $1k on the day. Not to sure what to blame that on but probably a combination of playing badly, playing to long and playing to many tables at once.

46% of the time is gone now and I am a good bit behind, I really need to up the volume now over the last 27 days. So far I have averaged 1631 hands/day but will need to up that to 2145 hands/day. One of my main problems at the minute is winning while putting in such volume, I am losing slightly so far but this is mainly from tournaments. It's hard to find the right combination between getting as many hands as possible and also making some dollars. Really going to have to work on this.

Finally graph attached so far, pretty desperate stuff. The 4k swing in the middle is were I took a shot at playing only 2/4 tables and failed miserably with me losing every flip, missing every draw and getting coolered. All the hands were pretty standard I think but bad all happened in the space of about 100 hands. Also lost $1.2k in another embarrassing moment which I won't bother describing here :)

Would be nice to have a nice 45deg line instead of the mess below!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Falling behind

Have 31% done now with a few losing days there now. Didn't play any today at all as I am too hungover to play right. I probably won't play tomorrow either and don't know what I am doing over the weekned yet so will have to make a very big push in the 2nd half of this. I will try and get up early tomorrow morning and get in an hour or two. It's so tough though to get up that extra hour early in the morning as I love my bed at that time.

To add to that I am not playing the best either, losing pretty badly in 6max games but winning really well in headsup games but you can never get enough hands in at headsup tables so have no choice really. I will just have to work a lot on my 6max games from now on. PPP are having a rakerace promo on their euro tables so I will be playing a lot of them to try and finish high up in that. I have done well enough in their other races so far so heres hoping for another top 5 finish in that

Monday, May 3, 2010

20% there

At the moment I am just over 20% of the way to Vegas. I put in a lot of hands over the weekend. I am finding it really tough to play this amount of hands and when you read about some of the prop bets on 2plus2 and similar I begin to realise how tough the bets they undertake are. I heard that some online pro played about 40k hands in one day which is quite unbelievable. To think its taken me 10 days to play less than half that its some going. The good thing is that I am winning at the moment and my hourly is hitting around the $50/hour mark now but it has been fierce swingy so far with me having a -$2k day and also a +$2.5k so I probably won't be able to read to much into the hourly until I have around the 100k hands completed.

last night I went kinda deep in a super satellite for the WSOP. I had satellited in through a $80 seat and ended up getting knocked out in 8th place with 2 $13k packages up for grabs but I was never really near getting a ticket. I wasn't picking up any hands at the right times at all. I must also try and satellite into the $700 super sat on PokerStars as them and Full Tilt have the best package on offer because if you end up cashing in the WSOP they buy you into a PCA event or the WSOP next year respectively so its best for me to just try and qualify on one of them sites.