Monday, May 26, 2008

Almost a 10k hand week

Its been the most amount of hand I've squeezed into a week ever I would say and well I certainly didn't match last weeks record profits it was a good week learning wise anyway thats for sure. I had to deal with a 13BI downswing but I grinded that out by running really good at 12 tabling 5k hands on EVT. I had my coaching session with Valor on Friday night and found it to be good, he was very observant of what I was doing as I would have expected and asked me lots of questions about why I was doing certain stuff and what my ranges would be for calling certain players and what ranges I put them on just based on their stats. I found it kinda hard to reply to his questions while playing 4 tables as when I am playing I really need to just play and concentrate on the game. Overall I think he thought my game was ok, I definetly cbet way to much and am probably over aggro.

When I was 12 tabling on EVT I found that I was a lot lot tighter obviously as I just can't play as many hands on that many tables without losing tons of money. So I played less aggressive, cbet less pots and just didn't really play back at many players who were 3b or 4b me, they really needed to do it a lot before I would play back, simply because I didn't have time to be doing that. This resulted in me being way more stable, just value betting all my TP hands etc and earning a nice bit of rake. I'll post up my stats and graph for the week below. One thing that is really obvious from the graph is where I started to play 12 tables, just right at the point where the red line starts leveling off, this is fine as my won at showdown shoots up.

Now I want to figure out where I make the most money, playing LAG on few tables or playing TAG on many tables. Also looking forward to more coaching sessions this week so until next week!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

An Update

Well, things have went very very well since I last posted. A few things have happened since then. The biggest one has been I have moved my roll from Carlos to Everest, I returned the moniter to Argos and bought a new one. I also moved back up to 100nl when I had 2.2k as I felt that I was wasting my time trying to grind it out at 50nl when I could already beat 100nl well and 22BI should be enough to take a shot. I have also organized more coaching for myself and also won a ticket to the JP masters €750 game which I have played.

So I'm playing 100% of my cash games on EVT now, its been working out very well for me, I have been killing the 100nl games there over a small sample and the softness of the games so far makes up for the small rakeback %. I'm playing about 27/22.5/3.3 so far on the site and I am finding this to be a winning formula so far. I've had to make some small adjustments to my game since I moved to EVT to adapt to the loose play there compared to Carlos. My stats and graph are below and its been a great past 4 weeks for me. Bankroll now stands at $3.9k.

I returned the moniter I bought from Argos, after getting used to it I really was lost without it so I bought this one. It was supposed to arrive on Friday but UPS didn't bother showing up with it, so hopefully I will get it tomorrow. I found the extra moniter great for playing poker as I could play 8 EVT tables with no overlap on the 2 screens. My new moniter had full HD resolution so I really am looking forward to getting it set up.

I had gotten 2 coaching sessions from ianmc38 from boards which I found very good. However with Ian traveling in the other side of the world it was hard to organize some sessions so I have organized with valor, also from boards for coaching which should be good as he is a high stakes player so I should pick up some good stuff there.

I played my first big poker tournament about 2 weeks ago over the May bank holiday weekend. I won a $55R satellite on GJP and took the ticket worth $1150. I found it a great experience and though I played well for the most part of it, I was disappointed with my exit hand as I called an allin when I was very far behind with only 12mins to go in Day 1 after playing for 8 hours. But I will put it all down to experience and hopefully one day I can use it if I can mange to play more big events. Hopefully the WSOP and Irish Open over the next few years.

So thats it for now, good luck at the tables!!!